Sleep deprivation in adults was also a worry, she said, pointing to tests done on the sleep-deprived mothers. 她说,成年人的睡眠不足也是让人担忧的一个问题,她还提到了对睡眠不足的母亲们所做的测试。
The IOC is also pointing to new tests and standards that just this week resulted in 27 Chinese runners removed from their team. 国际奥委会也正在提出新的检测方法和标准,这些标准导致了本周中国田径队取消了27名选手。
The researches cover a wide range of topics ( which can be roughly put into six major categories, pointing to reliability, validity, types of tests, backwash, problems and reforms in English testing, etc.). 研究涵盖了测试的6个主要方面&测试信度、效度、测试类型、题型、测试的反拨作用、测试问题与改革等;